What Real Chicken Tastes Like
RedBird Farms has been providing fresh chicken since the 1940s. As we’ve grown and expanded to more territories, RedBird Farms has maintained a commitment to quality and integrity.
Why We’re Different
We believe the original way of processing chicken is still the best. We rest our chicken for at least 6-8 hours after harvest, prior to processing. This ensures the most tender and juicy chicken available.
Featured Products
No Antibiotics EVER Chicken
RedBird Farms chicken is fed an all vegetarian diet. In addition, the chicken is never given any antibiotics... ever.
Hand-Cut and Fresh
RedBird chicken is hand cut. It isn't run down an assembly line of robots, but rather a talented team of cutters.
Store Locator
RedBird Farms chicken is conveniently available at your local grocer. Look for us at King Soopers, Safeway, Albertsons, and other locations across the West: AZ, CA, CO, ID, MO, NV, OR, SD, TX, UT, WA, and WY.
Fill Your Dinner Table
Nourish your family and fill your soul with one of our easy and tasty chicken recipes. Watch videos or read recipes for a delicious dinner for your weekday or weekend meals.